


2013年01月01日 00時00分00秒 | 自民党

 8月4日付麻生幹事長、世界が許さない“ナチス”暴言 【議員辞職すべし】で取り上げた麻生発言について、ブログやネット掲示板での議論が沸騰しています。ぜひとも、もっと本質的な議論をしていただきたいと思います。





ベルルスコーニ・イタリア首相が失言、外交問題に 独議員に「ナチス強制収容所長役ぴったり」(2003年7月4日)










  「ナチス」「ヒットラー」は、どのような意味合いであっても、絶対に比喩に用いてはいけません。これは世界の常識(Common Sence)です。理由は分かるでしょう。ユダヤ人が許さないからです。


Aso angers DPJ with remark likening party to Nazis(AP) 
2008 Aug 4 10:03 AM US/Eastern
 TOKYO, Aug. 4 (AP) - (Kyodo)—Newly appointed Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Taro Aso angered the Democratic Party of Japan on Monday by making a remark likening the main opposition to the Nazis, referring apparently to the DPJ's victory in last year's upper house election.

 In a meeting with House of Councillors President Satsuki Eda, who hails from the DPJ, Aso said Germany had precipitated a tragedy "after deciding to let the Nazis assume power at one time," according to participants at the meeting.

 DPJ Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama called the remark "an intolerably abusive statement" and demanded that Aso, the LDP's new No. 2 leader after Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, withdraw it.

 "The DPJ won a sweeping victory in last year's upper house election. But does it aim to win power?" Aso was quoted as saying to Eda. "If so, the DPJ needs to act in a more responsible manner."

 The DPJ-led opposition camp, which controls the upper house, can block bills that have passed the House of Representatives in which the LDP and its coalition partner, the New Komeito party, hold a comfortable majority.

 "The public voted for the Nazis," Aso was quoted as saying, while Eda responded that people today would "not make such an unreasonable choice. I don't think the public see the DPJ in such a way."

 Aso later told reporters that he did not mean to liken the DPJ to the Nazis, saying, "I only said it is important to deliberate matters seriously in the upper house" out of concern that being negligent in such talks could allow the emergence of forces like the Nazis.

 Hatoyama told reporters the DPJ finds it difficult to overlook Aso's comment. "In linking us to the Nazis, this remark could give the impression that if the DPJ assumes power it will embark upon oppressive politics."

 Azuma Koshiishi, leader of the DPJ's upper house caucus, also questioned Aso's comment, saying, "Is it right for the secretary general of a governing party to say things that could be misunderstood?"

